Sunday, 11 March 2012

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

In comparison with last years foundation portfolio, I feel that the outcome has been much more professional looking due to the range of advanced technology I've been able to use, as well as my previous knowledge which I've delevoped from last year.

We filmed our soap trailer using a Sony HD video camera, enabling us to capture footage in high quality, 1080p the highest HD resolution, making it look much more professional compared to last years standard Canon video camera.  Not only this, but importing the footage was much more easily done as, instead of recording to tape, the camera held a SD card.  This also took away the worry of recording over our footage, like we had last year, meaning that we could check our footage as we went along to see if we had the shot we wanted.

To record our voice overs for both our soap trailer and evaluation task we used the 'Esi Rekord M'.  We decided to use non-diagetic speech as when recoding outside, especially in public places, there is always other sound in the background such as people, transport and wind.  This would've made the characters dialouge difficult to understand for the audeince, so we thought it'd be best to re-record it after filming and insert it back in with the footage.  From our previous knowlegde of using the voice recorded last year we were able to operate it easily and record clear and good quality voice overs.

Another big change from last years portfolio was having access to 'Final Cut Pro X' on the Apple Macs.  This programme allowed us to use a variety of transitions and effect to make our trailer as attention grabbing and visually interesting for our audience as possible.  It took a while to get used to as it is very different to 'Adobe Premiere Pro', however, after using it a few times we began to work everything out and were able to use the new programme to our full advantage.  We were also able to do a lot more, much more easily, with the text making the font attention grabbing, using the variety of effects provided. 

Having previous knowledge of using Adobe Photoshop both in school and at home I found it fairly easy to navigate around all the different tools in order to create two successful ancillary tasks; my magazine front cover as shown above in Adobe Photoshop Elements 10, and my billboard poster.  I tried to be as creative as possible in order to create two professional looking, yet attention grabbing, pieces.  I used the basic tools, such as the  and  in order to remove the backgrounds from my images.  I also changed the contrast of my character after cutting her out and putting her onto a new background for my poster, making it look more realistic, as though she was originally at the location.  To make the text stand out more I layered it up using different colours, for example white in the background with black on top in the foreground. I also added purple on top of this, for my poster, to give emphasis to the word 'you'.  My reason for choosing purple was that it is 'E4's colour', giving the audience an evident link with the poster and channel.  I used this layering effect with the colours of text boxes on my magazine front cover, to add emphasis and make the strap lines, cover lines and other text more prominent.  I used a variety of different colours, mostly bright or bold making it stand out, and essentially, ones that could be read easily on top of each other.  I also used a 'glow' effect around one of my images, in order to make it stand out that little bit more.

We used the Fujifilm finepix S5800, with a 8 mega-pixel camera and 10x optical zoom, to take location photos and show filming at these locations.

Web 2.0 was extremely useful for both planning and feedback, when creating my trailer. I used it to research existing soap trailers, in order to get a feel of the typical conventions, helping to give me ideas of how to make mine as realistic as possible.  I also uploaded both my first draft and final draft onto YouTube, allowing me to get quick and easy feedback from both people I know, and YouTube users anywhere in the world.

Uploading the trailers onto YouTube then enables me to be able to share the link onto other Web 2.0 social networking sites, such as Facebook.  Here I could easily collect feedback, mostly from the target audience age range as I fit into it myself, therefore most of my Facebook friends would too.

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