Monday, 17 October 2011

Research: Stock characters

Every soap has stereotypical characters which portray certain stereotypes which the public audience can relate to themselves.  The costumes of the characters are very important as it is what enables the audience to distinguish one character from another, as well as giving an insight into their personalities.

Matriarch: The 'motherly' figure who knows everyone and is always there for advice when problems occur
Bad guy: The dominant male that everyone knows not to mess with. Usually middle aged, strong build and dressed in dark clothing connoting strength and danger.
Independent woman: Almost a bit like 'the bad guy', she's feisty and not be be messed around with.  She knows what she wants and tends to get her way.
Bisexual: Facing all the tough decisions, problems and up and downs that come with liking someone of the same sex.
Young ditzy female: Stereotypically blonde, girly girl who isn't the smartest around but gets on with the majority, apart from when it comes to potential competition.
Rebellious teenager: Societies typical view of a teenager; always up to no good, not doing what their told and just wanting to have fun.
Young couple: Usually facing some of life's biggest problems and trying to battle through it together.

Hollyoaks bad guy: Warren Fox

EastEnders bad guy: Phil Mitchell

Both characters, even though from different soaps, are middle aged, strong build and dressed in dark clothing.

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